
Contact details

Johannes Seif

Apartado Correos 92

Av. Ramon Folch 2

17001 Girona


hello {at} swift4data.com

Company details

Value added tax (VAT) ID: not yet available

Business ID: not yet available


Contact details

Johannes Seif

Apartado Correos 92

Av. Ramon Folch 2

17001 Girona


hello {at} swift4data.com

Company details

Value added tax (VAT) ID: not yet available

Business ID: not yet available

Copyright notices and image sources

Copyright notices and image sources

Some of the figures are based on the icons downloaded free of charge from Flaticon.com. To find out who made them, just check out by clicking on them, this will lead you to the Flaticon website. The authors are hereby greatefully acknoledged.

The figure combining the Python logo, the Excel logo (both from Flatico.com). The OriginPro icon was taken from OriginLab.com.

Background images generated with Leonardo.ai.